Space Teams World Ranking

COBRUF integrated performance database of student engineering teams worldwide

Registrations So Far

We are currently collecting team information to build the ranking first edition. We will share the full analysis online once we gather enough data. Please check the current preview below and include your team information.
All data is included by the teams

Live Preview

All teams registered at the STWR are eligible to register at COBRUF's International Space Cooperation and Space World Cup. We will publish a ranking view once the teams finish registering their results.

Why include my team in the database?

  • Let other teams and students worldwide know about you.

  • Showcase your results to potential sponsors.

  • Create awareness about your work to potential employers.

  • See how your team is doing compared to other teams like yours.

  • See how your team is improving over time.

  • Use your performance in the ranking as a powerful marketing tool.

  • Make your team eligible to participate at the International Space Cooperation.

  • Make your team eligible to participate at the Space World Cup.

  • Help us build a public database for all the teams in the world.

  • Share your results with the world to inspire others.

  • We will continue sharing and improving analysis online as we gather more data.

What analyzes can the data contribute to?

We will make all registered data publicly available and provide the following data analysis:

Macro Insights:

  • Teams list per country.

  • Teams list per technology.

  • Summarized indicators per country over time.

Ranking Views:

  • Teams with best overall results per technology.

  • Teams with best performances per indicators.

Tools for Teams:

  • Individual team indicators over time.

  • Interactive 1 x 1 team comparisons.

Tools for Competitions:

  • Centralized list with prospect teams.

  • See how each competition results compares to others.

What is the ranking calculation methodology?

We use objective, representative and verifiable macro indicators to provide balanced comparisons between teams performances worldwide. Please let us know if you have any suggestions that might improve the algorithms. Together, we fly higher


We consolidate each rocket result with the following algorithm:

Score = k * Target_Apogee * (1/Perc_Error -1)

Perc_Error= |(Target_Apogee - Real_Apogee)| / Target_Apogee


  • k = 4, for successful safe flight in the Space World Cup or the International Space Cooperation

  • k = 3, for successful safe flight in international level competition

  • k = 2, for successful safe flight in national level competition

  • k = 1, for successful safe flight in other scenarios


We consolidate each small satellite result with the following algorithm:

Score = k * Apogee (m) * Total_Mass (kg)


  • k = 4, for successful safe flight in the Space World Cup or the International Space Cooperation

  • k = 3, for successful safe flight in international level competition

  • k = 2, for successful safe flight in national level competition

  • k = 1, for successful safe flight in other scenarios


We consolidate each drone result with the following algorithm:

Score = k* (Max_Speed (m/s) / Total_Mass (kg))*1000


  • k = 4, for successful safe flight in the Space World Cup or the International Space Cooperation

  • k = 3, for successful safe flight in international level competition

  • k = 2, for successful safe flight in national level competition

  • k = 1, for successful safe flight in other scenarios

Space Suits

We consolidate each space suit result with the following algorithm:

Score = k * Max_speed_wearing_pressurized_suit (m/s) / Suit_dry_mass (kg))


  • k = 4, for successful safe operation in the Space World Cup or the International Space Cooperation

  • k = 3, for successful safe operation in international level competition

  • k = 2, for successful safe operation in national level competition

  • k = 1, for successful safe operation in other scenarios

The ranking first edition will compare team performances across competitions and cooperations. Future editions may improve current indicators and include new ones to provide insight on team's overall performance across wider fields, such as impact in alumni employment chances, impact in scientific publications and project completion rate.

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